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Showing posts from March, 2018

Winter Portfolio

These images are the ones that I thought we the best in all the drafts. These image consist of subjects that seem to be out of their natural habitat or odd. In all the images that I chose were able to converted to black and white and not lose the depth they had when they were in color. Most of the images that I chose came from the earlier drafts because there were more places to explore unlike later on when I began to run out of ideas and couldn't find anyting new to photograph. I liked doing this project because it allowed me to notice things that I generally just walk by.  

Draft 5

For this draft, I challenged myself to find images that didn't contain graffiti. My first photo does contain graffiti but I realized that because most of my other drafts murals and graffiti, I wanted broaden my horizon on choice of image. During the editting process, I wanted my images to not only look out of place, but also have a mysterious touch to them. I think this week was the hardest to edit because my photos were either too bright or too dark and at times I wasn't able to see what the images was trying to protray.

Draft 4

I felt that it was much harder to find images this week because I had already been around the Drew neighborhood the other weeks that it was difficult to find subjects that I hadn't used already. This week, I tried to use subjects that were more than just grafiti. This is included subjects that didn't contain any words in the image as well. I started to run out of ideas of what to take photos of, so I started taking pictures that seemed interesting to me, so some of the images that I posted might not seem completely out of their natural habitat. Some of the items that I wanted to take photos of were kind of out of my reach, so I tried to take the photo as well as I could, but some I feel like the angles are kind of off. However, I kind of like the feel of the strange angles because it allows the subject to stand out more.