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Best of Spring Series

Throughout this project, I wanted to focus on contrasting the difference between drawings and reality. I thought that keeping the drawings black and white made allowed the real photo stand out more which abled me to show the contrast a lot more. These images are the one's I thought were the best ones from this entire project.
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Spring 3

These are last batch for these series. I was starting to run out of ideas, but I still thought that the concept of the realistic images being put together with black and white drawings was really interesing.

Spring 2

This week I really focused on erasing all the extra space from the drawing images that I didn't need. This I think is one of my most time consuming series I have ever done. I kinda mixed in the idea of imagination and reality into this draft. For next time, I think I wanna try both of them for a whole entire week to really get a sense of black and white realistic drawings in colored real backgrounds versus black and white imaginative drawings in colored real backrounds

Spring 1

This week we started our Spring final. I chose to imitate the photographer Ben Heine. However, because I am not skilled enough to draw and printing out images to photograph with becomese a waist of paper, I chose collage black and white drawings into real images. I think the contrast between pencil drawings and reality is really interesting so I wanted to really pursue that theme.

Class Portraits 2

This week we continued on our class portraits mimicking their different series. Danny's series c aptured how athletes express their mood and emotion to the world and how they carry themselves.  Daro imitated the photographer  Jerry Uelsmann by combining different images to make one image. I chose to do David's levitation series from his winter series Lauren's fall series was to imitate the photographer John French who focused on making shapes with arms.  Liam's winter series was to imitate the photographer Jasper James who worked on city silhouettes.  I imitated Max's winter series which was blurring the image to make shapes that are abstract Stewarts winter series was to give his images and urban feel. 

Class Portraits

This week we are focusing on class portaits. In this assignment, we took photos of our classmates to replicate one of their images. I replicated Casey's collage project from her fall series by cropping a certain part of the image out and putting a piece of nature into it Anna focused on  recreating Liechtenstein painting photos from her winter series. I chose to replicate Kiki's levitation images from her fall series.  I chose to replicate Sophies panning series from her winter series I chose to do Ava's replication of the ghosts images from her winter series.  I took a photo of Armon replicating his fall series that imitated Ben Heine

Design Cover

I think this week was one of the most difficult assignments so far. It took me a really long time for me to find covers that I could make. Not only that, it was also a really hard to find the right fonts and images to replicate covers so they looked very similar. This project was very time consuming but it was really fun to do.