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Showing posts from September, 2017

Composition 4

Symmetry refers to a line the splits the object in half. If both sides of the image are the same, it is considered symmetrical. The line that splits a symmetrical object is call a line of symmetry. In these images, I really wanted to use a vareity of objects to really capture the idea of symmetry in different ways. Asymmetry in a photos is when the two sides do not look the same. In my photos, it tried to capture this by trying different prespectives while taking the photos making sure to that the asymmertry was really noticiable.  Balance is a techinque used in photography that takes two differenct objects and they are placed in a way so that they look like equivalent weight in the image. This is the hardest because I didn't really understand the concept so I just took photos on what I thought that balance meant. 

Composition 3

Leading lines are lines that will lead the observer's eye to the object of the image. In these leading lines, the lines don't have to lead straight out to the distance, but can be pointing to different places in the photo. Decorative lines are lines that are added to the actual subject to give the the subject more spice. If you were to take away these lines, the subject wouldn't change.  Arrangement of lines is when the lines are the subjects that make up the photo. If you were to take away the lines out of the image completely, you would be left with a plain background. 

Composition 2

Leading lines are lines in the image that lead your eye to another part of the picture. Anything that has a definite line can be considered a leading line. Depth staging involves placing on focus of the image very close, and the other focus far away. This emphasizes varying chararistics of the photo. Repetition is way to grab the attention of the observer into your image. Repeating a shape in your photo can say alot about your image. 

Composition 1

Diagonals are leading lines in a photo. They can be used to create a strong impression or movement in a photo. Diagonals can effect the mood of the image. Rule of thirds is when the main focus of the image is on one of the thirds of the grid while the rest is all simple. Rule of thirds happens  by placing the subject with the guide lines of a 3x3 grid. This allows the features in the image to flow Triangles can be used in  photography to fill the frame, add balance, and add movement in the images. They also help guide the obsever's eye to the subjects, and they are just interesting visually.